Sunday, April 25, 2010

Good Evening

Hello You :)

I dont know who I'm writing to right now but whoever you are, you are important :) because your'e willing to sit here and read this.

I just wanted to write my first entry on my blog and thought an introduction would be best :).

I am 17 years old, live in Adelaide, Australia and I enjoy it here. Call me Bonnie :)
The things i enjoy:
- My loved ones
- Classic Pin Up Girls
- Beautiful Art
- and Ancient History and Mythology

The things i don't enjoy:
- Snorkels -__-
- Close-minded people

I hope this you come back and check out whatever else I have to say in the future :)

Goodbye <3


  1. Bonnie has a blog :) and I get to be your first follower :) Lol. YAY! ^_^

  2. Hello Miss Bonwah :) I look forward to reading your blogness. Oh and this is Kelsey by the way ^^

    PS. You don't like croissants?!?! SHAME!!
    Ahah I kid, I kid. XD

  3. Haha thank you both very very much :D

    croissants are for the lose :P haha

    love love <3 :)

  4. Yay Bonnie has a blog, and it already has more messages then my geeky blog. lol. =D

  5. xP BONNIEEEE!!! haha tis jac. lolol. geeky blogs are cool :P hahahaa. and croissants are way cool... thanks for reminding me. we have some :D
